(Our-ter-ree) is all about connecting God's heart to the body! We do that by sharing real-life stories from real-life testimonies.
START HERE | Reading the Bible
With 66 books and over 1100 chapters, the Bible can be quite daunting at first glance. Where do we even begin to read? Genesis? Matthew? Revelation?! How do we "deep dive?!" Which translation?? *Breathe* Join hosts Jake and Jamie as they help us get better situated with the Bible on a different level.
Son of a Righteous and a Rapist - Post
Book of John in The Passion Translation
Support the illumiNations Bible Project - making a way for everyone in the world to have the ability to read the Bible in their own native language.
For the latest updates on the show and all things Ourtery, follow us at Ourtery.com and through social media:
Instagram: @theourtery
Twitter: @ourtery
Jake: @jakesims_knox
Jamie: @dechaine2319
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